Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Friday, Sept. 22 2017

CW Friday Sept. 22
Objectives/Essential Question: Can You…
•RL.5/RI.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her narration
W.3- Construct a narrative

•Please have your Name Tags out on desks
•Scattergories- work on alliteration 10 min.
•Write a Moody Poem (we will continue this on Monday)

Project time/Conference time:
  • Turn in Assignment #2 by end of period- WRITE ANALYSIS of your own from selected book-
  • Complete Children’s Book Introduction Assignment #3 by Wednesday, Oct. 4
  • If you are done, continue crafting poem

•Complete Children’s Book Introduction Assignment #3 by Wednesday, Oct. 4

Moody Poetry:
Write a poem that centers on a “Mood Word,” and follows the pattern below: Using metaphors: concrete/tangible images that pin down abstract ideas like feelings by using comparisons.
Pattern of poem:(lines)
1.   Required line (mood).
2.   An example of how your mood does not feel
3.   Another example of how your mood does not feel
4.   Another example of how your mood does not feel
5.   Required “mood” line (name your mood again and describe just how your mood feels with another metaphor)
6.   Another example of how your mood DOES feel
7.   Another example of how your mood DOES feel
8.   Another example of how your mood DOES feel
I’m mellow
Not a go lay in a sunny field and chew on a piece of grass mellow
Not mellow enough to give a bum all my money
Not mellow enough to sit on an ocean yacht and drink lemonade
But just a sit in the air-conditioned living room watching re-runs mellow
Mellow like a nothing to do Saturday morning
Mellow like watching your cork from the bank of a cool country pond
A “do what I want” mellow that takes no effort or planning.
Jimmy O’Daniel

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