CW Friday, Jan. 12
Objectives/Essential Question: Can You…
W.3 Construct poetry, using engaging details and language.
RI.5-Self assess your use of structure or writing devices this semester
RI.5-Self assess your use of structure or writing devices this semester
1.Work on poetry unit
2. Work on final portfolio for class final
1. Calendar p. 37
2. Work on Final for class
3. Work on Poetry Unit.
Review definitions for Sound
Did you put the poem title and line(s) where these were found?
4. Look at structure/kinds of poems
a.Sonnet (ABABCDCDEFEFGG- as one example)
b. Limerick/Clerihew (AABBA & AABB)
c. Villanelle/Pantoum (See handout)
5. Define Style section of vocabulary and find examples of these
in poems in the poetry packet.
in poems in the poetry packet.
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