Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Wednesday, Ap. 25 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, April 25
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story
Using imagery, engaging details and language, and dialogue.

1. Write an obituary for your favorite fictional character -
due Monday, April 30 E.O.P. PEN OR WORD PROCESSED

2. Rough draft short story due Friday, May 4.

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Noticings about “On Patrol” (15 min)
Share Setting, Character, and P.O.V of story
Read paragraphs 15-27 of “On Patrol”. Then fill out plot help
sheet we glued in on Friday/Monday.
a. Identify what happens in Plot complications box:
b. Predict what will happen for plot climax and plot resolution

3. What are the complications of your own short story?
The climax?

How do things get wrapped up.

4. Write into the room- (4 min/3 min)- Describe a pottery class
from the POV of the clay (first person/third person).

Who is going to be telling your own short story? 1st or 3rd person?

5. Write your short story plot pitch(a general outline) 7 min.

6. Continue and complete Obituary for favorite character(parts 3-5):
15 min.
III.  Accomplishments and chronological account of the person's
life and education.
IV.  A list of surviving family
V. The funeral, burial, wake plans or memorial details/memorial
gift donations.
7. Continue writing your short story (Finck w/ be conferencing).

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