Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Friday, June 1 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday June 1
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of Poetry using
imagery, engaging details and language.

Work on Final Reflection
1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min).

2. Print Nonfiction piece in library 10-15 min.
3. Gallery Walk and comment
4. Senior finals

5. Begin Poetry Unit
  1. Your Final Reflection
  2. Rhyming: Limerick, Clarihew,
  3. Examples

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday May 30
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of creative Nonfiction
using imagery, engaging details and language.

Due date for Non-fiction paper/infographic Friday, June 1-
No exceptions, No excuses, No revisions

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min).
2.Writing into the room:Fill out goal sheet for today- What will
you accomplish in our short time together?

3. Your ticket out of class: Did you accomplish this work on your
Nonfiction piece? Show me evidence or you stay w/ me:)

4. Work in Library on paper

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Friday, May 25 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday May 25
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of creative Nonfiction using
imagery, engaging details and language.

Due date for Non-fiction paper/infographic Friday, June 1- No
exceptions, No excuses, No revisions

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min).
2.Noticings: What did you notice about “Fern Canyon”?
Now you write an __________________, just like “Fern Canyon”.
Minimum of 3 sentences.
This is a graded assignment- due by the end of the period Today.- graded for W.3 conventions and W. 3 language

3. Writing into the room:Fill out goal sheet for today- What will
you accomplish in our short time together?

4. Your ticket out of class: Did you accomplish this work on your
Nonfiction piece? Show me evidence or you stay w/ me:)
5. What writing “moves” do you need to make to accomplish
each of the following types of non-fiction:
Humorous Essay:
Informational essay:
Argumentative essay:

6. Writing into the room #2: How can you add more to your
“analysis” of evidence by using Analogy and any 1 other
technique : Humor, Incongruent details, recurring joke/
reference, Pop culture allusions, Parallel Structure

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wednesday, May 23 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday May 23
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of creative Non-fiction
using imagery, engaging details and language.

Due date for Non-fiction paper/infographic Friday, June 1- No
exceptions, No excuses, No revisions.
Senior revisions of Sh. Story due Wednesday, May 30, no
exceptions, no excuses.

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min).
2.Writing into the room:Fill out goal sheet for today- What will
you accomplish in our short time together?

3. Your ticket out of class: Did you accomplish this work on
your Nonfiction piece? Show me evidence or you stay w/ me:)
4. Work time

5. Look at Informational Essay: Fern Canyon
Fern Canyon- Analogy
Irreconcilable Dissonance- Parallel Structure, Incongruent
Nerd Husbandry- Humor, Incongruent details, recurring joke/
reference, Pop culture allusions
Bananas- Incongruent details

6. Writing into the room #2: How can you add more to your
“analysis” of evidence by using Analogy and any 1 other
technique : Humor, Incongruent details, recurring joke/
reference, Pop culture allusions, Parallel Structure

7 Work time

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Monday, May 21 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday May 21
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of creative Non-fiction
using imagery, engaging details and language.

Due date for Non-fiction paper/infographic Friday, June 1- No
exceptions, No excuses, No revisions

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min).
2. Writing into the room:Fill out goal sheet for today- What will
you accomplish in our short time together?
Creative Writing Goal Sheet

Daily Goal
Evidence of goal completion
May 21

May 23

May 25

May 30


June 1
Final Non-fiction due

3. Your ticket out of class: Did you accomplish this work on your
Nonfiction piece? Show me evidence or you stay w/ me:)

4. Due date for Non-fiction paper/infographic Friday, June 1- No
exceptions, No excuses, No revisions

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Friday, May 18 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday May 18
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of creative Non-fiction
using imagery, engaging details and language.

Select type of non-fiction you would like to write
Begin research for Non-Fiction

Agenda: 9:35-10:55 Assembly Schedule
1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min).
2. Look at Humorous Argumentative Essay: Nerd Husbandry
Bananas- Incongruent details
Fern Canyon-
Irreconcilable Dissonance- Parallel Structure, Incongruent details
Nerd Husbandry- Humor, Incongruent details, recurring joke/
reference, Pop culture allusions

3. Writing into the room:What topic would you write about in a
humorous way, similar to Bananas or Nerd Husbandry:

4. Write personal interview questions about my topic (if you
need to continue). Continue interviews if you do.

5. Resources for Infographics: See handout.

6. Due date for Non-fiction paper/infographic Friday, June 1-
No exceptions, No excuses, No revisions

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wednesday, May 16 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday May 16
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of creative Non-fiction
using imagery, engaging details and language.

Select type of non-fiction you would like to write
Begin research for Non-Fiction

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min).
2. Look at Infographic examples.
3. Writing into the room:
Brainstorm topics for these 3 modes of nonfiction
4. Pick one of 3 to work on:
Argumentative piece
Informational piece

5. Write personal interview questions about my topic. Try to go
beyond the 5 W’s (Who, What, When, Where, Why) and the H
What kind of story is there amongst the data you will share.

6. Look at sample pieces of argumentative/informative/creative/
humorous pieces:
Bananas- Incongruent details
Fern Canyon-
Irreconcilable Dissonance- Parallel Structure, Incongruent

Nerd Husbandry- Humor, Incongruent details, recurring joke/
reference, Pop culture allusions

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday, May 14 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday May 14
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of creative Non-fiction
using imagery, engaging details and language.

Select type of non-fiction you would like to write
Begin research for Non-Fiction

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Writing into the room: DOUBLE SPACE YOUR ENTRY
What is on your mind? What do you want to know more about?
On what topics do you consider yourself to be an expert?
Parallel Structure:
Incongruent details:

2. Begin work on Creative Non-fiction unit (no revisions on this
Pick one of 3:
Argumentative piece
Informational piece

3. Look at sample pieces of argumentative/informative/creative/
humorous pieces:
Bananas- Incongruent details
Fern Canyon-
Irreconcilable Dissonance- Parallel Structure, incongruent details

Nerd Husbandry-