Sunday, September 10, 2017

Friday, Sept. 8 2017

CW Friday Sept. 8
Objectives/Essential Question: Can You…
•RL.5/RI.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her narration, exposition, or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing, and engaging or creates mystery, tension, or surprise.
W.3- Construct a narrative in the form of a poem, children’s book, graphic novel, or comic strip
Agenda: Any Signed Syllabi?
•Create Name Placard, and Mandala
•Reminder about Supplies
•fire drill- parking lot
•Get to know one another- People Hunt/
•Finish rest of Writing Survey
If we have time:
•Writing Sample- tell me a story about your life (up to 1 page max)
•6 word memoir for this story
•The Mini-Lesson: Intro Book Talks
One book I read this summer:
·     Final project explanation- Children’s books (G. Novel, comic)
o  Intro assignment explanation
o  Mentor Texts & Noticings
o  Art as Story
Intro assignment work time (if we get there)

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