Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Friday, Oct. 20 2017

CW Friday Oct. 20
Objectives/Essential Question: Can You…
W.3- Construct a narrative using imagery, engaging details, language, and dialogue.

•Complete these 5 events:
  1. Finish and turn in Obituary at the end of the period. Staple Rubric on front.
  2. Using “All Summer in a Day” model, create a start for your story using Dialogue and Description. Turn in a the end of the period (no matter where you end up)
  3. Plan the events of your short story using graphic organizer glued to pg. 22
  4. Begin writing your short story
  5. Reminder: Children’s Book Revisions due Monday, Oct. 23 B.O.P. (beginning of period)

•Brainstorming for your own story
•Children’s Book Revisions due Monday, Oct. 23 B.O.P.

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