Monday, September 11, 2017

Wednesday, Sept. 13 2017

CW Wednesday Sept. 13
Objectives/Essential Question: Can You…
•RL.5/RI.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her narration
W.3- Construct a narrative
•Please have your Name Tags out on desks
•Set up writer’s notebook
•Write into the room
Write Prompt: Tell me about either your hands or your mother’s hands (or anyone close to you). Underline imagery, circle alliteration, assonance, and/or consonance (Yes, I will explain these terms for those not yet in the know).

Model Book Talk: One book I read this summer

  • Back into the Graphic Novel/Children's book mentor texts- Let’s make an Anchor Chart
  • Model text analysis  together
  • Topic Sentence
    Structure or device at work
    The effect of the device on the reader
  • Write your own text analysis on one other book
  • Brainstorm your own introductory assignment
  • Continue with your Encyclopedia of Ordinary Life: List alphabetically some entries that chronicle your life (minimum of 10).
1. Work on Intro Assignment- due Sept. 22
2. Finish text analysis of "children's book/graphic novel by Sept. 22
3. Continue w/ your Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life- Due Friday Sept. 15- end of class (pen or pencil is fine).

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