Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Wednesday, March 21 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, March 19
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

1. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-Final Children’s book due Fri, Ap. 6 end of class

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Collect Blackout/Concrete poem revisions
3. Write into the room- Hollywood producers are making a film
based on your life and have put you in charge of casting. They want it as realistic as possible, so they ask that you pick actors and actresses who look the part. Who would you pick to play your family and friends, and, more importantly, who will play you? Why? (7 min)

4. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”- 

5. Ticket out of class: Progress evidence on Final project:
A. Evidence of new cells/Cover work
b. Evidence of progress on “Plot Pitch Template”: text, illustrations, characterization 

C. Reminder about what you need:
1. Plot Pitch Template
2.   24 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your “story” or concept hangs together
3. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
4. Back Cover- Author biography

Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday, March 19 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, March 19
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

1. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”- Final Children’s book due Fri, Ap. 6 end of class
2. Reminder about Blackout/Concrete poem revisions- due Wednesday, March 21

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Collect Intro Children’s Book revisions
3. Write into the room- You're traveling in a rental car when you hear the thumping of a flat tire. You pull over and discover the thumping is not coming from a flat, after all, but from the trunk. What—or who—is making the noise? (7. min)

4. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
a. Ticket out of class: Progress evidence on Final project:
     1. Evidence of new cells/Cover work
     2. Evidence of progress on “Plot Pitch Template”: text,                   illustrations, characterization
b. Reminder about what you need:
     1. Plot Pitch Template
     2. 24 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your “story” or concept hangs together
     3. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
     4. Back Cover- Author biography

Friday, March 16, 2018

Friday, March 16 2018

Creative Writing: Friday, March 16
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book, graphic novel, or comic strip

Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
Reminder about revisions- due Monday, March 19 

Revision of Concrete/Blackout Poem due Wednesday, March 21
Final Children’s book due Wed, Ap. 4 end of class

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Write into the room- It's 3 a.m. and your nightly slumber was interrupted by a screeching sound. The noise is coming from your closet. What can it be? Scared as you are, you still decide to take a peek. Describe what you find. Keep your pencil moving. (7 min)

3. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”- Ticket out of class: Progress evidence on Final project:
a. Evidence of new cells/Cover work
b. Evidence of progress on “Plot Pitch Template”: text, illustrations, characterization

4. Reminder about what you need:
a. lot Pitch Template
b. 24 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your “story” or concept hangs together
c. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
d. Back Cover- Author biography

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Wednesday, March 14 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, March 14
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

1. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/
2. Reminder about revisions- due Monday, March 19
3. Final Children’s book due Wed, Ap. 4 end of class

1. Calendar/Agenda
2. Write into the room- Best beginning to book or movie?Best ending to book or movie?

Best Movie or Book beginning?
Best Movie or Book ending?

3. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
4. Reminder about what you need:
     a. Plot Pitch Template
     b. 24 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your “story” or concept hangs together
     c. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
     d. Back Cover- Author biography

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Monday, March 12 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, March 12
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

1. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
2. Reminder about revisions- due Monday, March 19
3. Final Children’s book due Friday, Ap. 6 end of class

1. Calendar/Agenda
2. Share Moody poem and best/worst first line
3. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
4. Reminder about what you need:
a. Plot Pitch Template
b. 24 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your “story” or concept hangs together
c. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
d. Back Cover- Author biography

Wednesday, March 7 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, March 7
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

1. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
2. Reminder about revisions- due Monday, March 19
3. Final Children’s book due Wed, Ap. 4 end of class

1. Hand in Blackout Poem/concrete poem by end of period
2. Create Moody Poem- make sure you follow directions and look at the sample poem.
3. Read Bulwer-Lytton article and craft best and worst first line like examples in mentor texts
4. Work on your own larger Children’s book/Graphic Novel/Comic Strip

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Monday, March 5 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, March 5
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

1. Finish Blackout or concrete poem for Wednesday, March 7-
beginning of period.

1. Calendar/Agenda
2. Writing into class: Write a CONCRETE or BLACKOUT POEM- due next Wednesday.
3. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-

Reminder about what you need:
a. Plot Pitch Template
b. 24 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your
“story” or concept hangs together
c. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
d. Back Cover- Author biography