Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Friday, March 2 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday, March 2
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

1. Finish Blackout or concrete poem for Wednesday, March 7- beginning of period.

1. Calendar/Agenda
2. Writing into class: Write a CONCRETE or BLACKOUT POEM- due next Wednesday.

3. Turn in at end of class:
a. Encyclopedia of Ordinary Life
b. RI.5 Children’s Book/ Graphic Novel Structure Analysis

4. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
Reminder about what you need:
a. Plot Pitch Template
b. 24 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your “story” or concept hangs together
c. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
d. Back Cover- Author biography

Wednesday, Feb. 28 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, Feb. 28
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

Homework:  Work on your own “intro
1. Graphic/Children’s/Comic”- due Wed,, Feb. 28 E.O.P.
2. Revise Encyclopedia & RI.5 Structure Analysis Fri., March 2

1. Calendar/Agenda
2. Writing into class: Revision work due Friday, March 2
a, Encyclopedia of Ordinary Life
b. RI.5 Children’s Book/ Graphic Novel Structure Analysis

3. Work on your own “intro Graphic/Children’s/Comic”- due Wednesday, Feb. 28

Grade yourself on the rubric before you turn Children's Book in. 
a. Reminder about what you need:
b. Plot Pitch Template
c. 5 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your “story” or concept hangs together
d. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
e. Back Cover- Author biography

Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday, Feb. 26 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, Feb. 26
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

Homework:  Work on your own “intro
1. Graphic/Children’s/Comic”- due Wed,, Feb. 28 E.O.P.
2. Revise Encyclopedia & RI.5 Structure Analysis Fri., March 2

1. Calendar/Agenda
2. Writing into class: Revision work due Friday, March 2
a. Encyclopedia of Ordinary Life
b. RI.5 Children’s Book/ Graphic Novel Structure Analysis
c. What is your publishing company?

3. Work on your own “intro Graphic/Children’s/Comic”-
due Wednesday, Feb. 28

4. Reminder about what you need:
a. Plot Pitch Template
b. 5 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your “story” or concept hangs together
c. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
d. Back Cover- Author biography

Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday, Feb. 23 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday, Feb. 23
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

Homework:  Work on your own “intro Graphic/Children’s/
Comic”- due Wednesday, Feb. 28

1. Calendar/Agenda
2. Writing into class: Revision work due Friday, March 2
a. Encyclopedia of Ordinary Life
b. RI.5 Children’s Book/ Graphic Novel Structure Analysis

3. Work on your own “intro Graphic/Children’s/Comic”- due
Wednesday, Feb. 28

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Wednesday, Feb 21 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, Feb. 21
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

Homework:  Work on your own “intro Graphic/Children’s/
Comic”- due Wednesday, Feb. 28

1. Name Placard up and on desk
2. Writing into class: Dialogue work/PPT 

Practice writing different kinds of dialogue

3. Look at rubric for “Intro Graphic/Children’s/Comic”
4. Work on your own “Intro Graphic/Children’s/Comic”- due
Wednesday, Feb. 28

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Friday, Feb. 16 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday, Feb. 16
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
RI.5/RL.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the
structure an author uses
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

Homework:  Work on your own “intro Graphic/Children’s/
Comic”- due Wednesday, Feb. 28

1. Name Placard up and on desk
2. Writing into class: Share Bad Love Poems

3. Look at Mentor Texts of Children’s books/ Graphic Novels/Comics- analysis of one due end of period today. 

Put all finished products on the wooden stool in front of 
the class.

4. Work on your own “intro Graphic/Children’s/Comic”- due Wednesday, Feb. 28

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Wednesday, Feb. 14 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, Feb. 14
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
RI.5/RL.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the
structure an author uses
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

Analysis of a children's book/graphic novel due Friday, Feb. 16
end of period.

1. Name Placard up and on desk
2. Writing into class: Bad Love Poems

Look at Mentor Texts of Children’s books/ Graphic Novels/Comics- analysis of one due Friday, Feb. 16 

4. Continue Intro assignment Children’s books/Graphic Novel/Comic - due Feb. _____

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Monday, Feb. 12 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, Feb. 12
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
RI.5/RL.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the
structure of an author's work
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip
Homework: analysis of one children's book/Graphic Novel due Friday, Feb. 16 
1. Name Placard up and on desk
2. Writing into class: Write a simple declarative sentence about
one of your noticings from the children’s book last week.

3. Craft analysis for your noticing
     What function does it serve?
     What effect does it have?
     Does it work in a synergistic way with other structures?
4. Model Text Analysis and write one together (RI.5).
5. Look at Mentor Texts of Children’s books/ Graphic Novels/Comics- analysis of one due Friday, Feb. 16 

6. Continue Intro assignment Children’s books/Graphic Novel/Comic

Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday, Feb. 9 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday, Feb. 9
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
RI.5/RL.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the
structure an author uses in his /her narration, exposition, or
argument, including whether the structure makes points clear,
convincing, and engaging or creates mystery, tension, or surprise.
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip.
Homework: None

1. Name Placard up and on desk
2. Writing into class: Write a short owners manual for creating the best story. (7 min)
3. Collect
     Story of your life and 6 word memoir
     Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life

4. Continue Intro assignment Children’s books/Graphic Novel/Comic
5. Model Text Analysis and write one together (RI.5).
6. Look at Mentor Texts of Children’s books/ Graphic Novels/Comics- analysis of one due Friday, Feb. 16

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Wednesday, Feb. 7 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, Feb. 7
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
RI.5/RL.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the
structure an author uses in his /her narration, exposition, or
argument, including whether the structure makes points clear,
convincing, and engaging or creates mystery, tension, or surprise.
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

     a. Story of your life and 6 word memoir
     b. Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life 
1. Name Placard up and on desk
2. Writing into class:
Introduce Children’s book/Graphic Novel/Comic Strip
3. Continue following assignments- due FRIDAY, FEB 9:
     a. Story of your life and 6 word memoir
     b. Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday, Feb. 5 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, Feb. 5
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
RI.5/RL.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the
structure an author uses in his /her narration, exposition,
or argument, including whether the structure makes points
clear, convincing, and engaging or creates mystery, tension,
or surprise.

Continue to work on
1. Story of your life and 6 word memoir
2. Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life
1. Name Placard up and on desk
2. Any syllabi to turn in?
3. Set up your writer’s notebook
  1. Syllabus on inside front cover
  2. Compass on inside of back cover
4. Start your Story of your life and 6 word memoir
5. Start your Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life
Encyclopedia of Ordinary Life: List alphabetically some entries that chronicle your life (minimum of 10). An Example: A- My first speeding ticket came in an old Audi A4-- 55 mph in a 40 mph zone.
There went half of my summer pocket money.
6. Collect all writing surveys

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Friday, Feb. 2 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday, Feb. 2 2018
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
RI.5/RL.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the
structure an author uses in his /her narration, exposition,
or argument, including whether the structure makes points
clear, convincing, and engaging or creates mystery, tension, or

a. Get your supplies for this class ASAP (pens, paper, notebook) 
b. Get Syllabus signed for Monday, Feb. 5
c. Complete your 6 word memoir 

1. Name Placard up and on desk
2. Any syllabi to turn in?
3. Introduction to writing into class: In celebration of Ground Hog's Day
There are always 2 ways of looking at things...
4. Finish People Hunt- write about 1 classmate you met who you matched with.
5. Start the story of your life (outline) and 6 word memoir
6. Complete your writing survey if you need more time