Sunday, April 29, 2018

Monday, Ap. 30 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, April 30
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story
Using imagery, engaging details and language, and dialogue.

1. Rough draft short story due Monday, May 7.
1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Scenic vs. summary narration using your pottery example from
last Wednesday (5 min)
Summary Narration: Summary narrative, which often spans the gaps
between scenes in a scenic narrative, compresses time (think montage):
They moved to three states in three years. Oregon was by far the soggiest;
Arizona the driest. What made each worse was the monotony of the same.

  Scenic Narration: It operates in something close to real time, describing
specific actions in considerable detail.From David Guterson’s Snow Falls
on Cedars:"He did not know how to conduct himself and the recklessness
he felt about everything was as foreign to him as the sea foam breaking over
the snowy boats and over the pilings of the Amity Harbor docks, now
swamped and under water. There was no answer in any of it-not in the
boats lying on their sides, not in the white fir defeated by the snow or in the
downed branches of the cedars" (428).
3. What examples of scenic or summary narration have you
written for your own short story?

4. Complete Obituary for favorite character(parts 3-5): 15 min. TURN

5. Continue writing your short story (Finck w/ be conferencing).

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Wednesday, Ap. 25 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, April 25
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story
Using imagery, engaging details and language, and dialogue.

1. Write an obituary for your favorite fictional character -
due Monday, April 30 E.O.P. PEN OR WORD PROCESSED

2. Rough draft short story due Friday, May 4.

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Noticings about “On Patrol” (15 min)
Share Setting, Character, and P.O.V of story
Read paragraphs 15-27 of “On Patrol”. Then fill out plot help
sheet we glued in on Friday/Monday.
a. Identify what happens in Plot complications box:
b. Predict what will happen for plot climax and plot resolution

3. What are the complications of your own short story?
The climax?

How do things get wrapped up.

4. Write into the room- (4 min/3 min)- Describe a pottery class
from the POV of the clay (first person/third person).

Who is going to be telling your own short story? 1st or 3rd person?

5. Write your short story plot pitch(a general outline) 7 min.

6. Continue and complete Obituary for favorite character(parts 3-5):
15 min.
III.  Accomplishments and chronological account of the person's
life and education.
IV.  A list of surviving family
V. The funeral, burial, wake plans or memorial details/memorial
gift donations.
7. Continue writing your short story (Finck w/ be conferencing).

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday, April 20 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday, April 20
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story
Using imagery, engaging details and language, and dialogue.

1. Children’s Book Revisions due Monday, April 23 B.O.P.
2. Write an obituary for your favorite fictional character - due Monday, April 30 E.O.P. PEN OR WORD PROCESSED
3. Continue to write your short story. Rough draft due Friday, May 4, Typed and printed.
1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Write into the room- (7 min)- Remember “Betty Ann”?
55 Fiction: using the idea of a frame story (repeat of beginning
at the end) construct a short short story of no more than 55
She glistened from her last swallow. I was jealous of her at this
moment. Not her predicament, but for the simple fact that she had
water. We, waiting for her to do her duty, thirsted. No water until
the curse was lifted. We lit the fire.
Her screams eventually stopped.
Then we drank.
3. Write an obituary for your favorite fictional character (literary,
television, etc.), including how the death occurred, relatives,
accomplishments, work history, etc.
Your obituary first 2 sentences must be done (share with neighbor): We Glued in this Template.
a. The first sentence starts with the full name of the deceased,
the city in which they resided, the date they died, where they died and sometimes cause of death.
b. The next sentence often tells when and where the deceased was born, and the names of parents.
4. Begin reading beginning of “On Patrol” paragraphs 1-14.
Noticings about setting and plot conflict on graphic organizer.
Fill out details for Setting, POV and Character on
Plot Handout (We glued this in).

5. Brainstorm ideas for your short story
6. Write, write, write
7. Writing and conference time

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday, Ap. 18 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, April 18
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story

Continue to plan/write your short story

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Write into the room- (7 min)- Write an intriguing first line
for a Romance short story. Repeat the exercise, writing first lines for
a Mystery, Western, Fantasy, and and a Science Fiction story.

3. Write sample analysis paragraph concluding sentence
Rewrite thesis and brief summary
Leave reader with parting thought by asking/answering
question, discussing quotation, or offering a lesson learned
from analysis.
4. Read “Betty Ann” Short Story (Book Ends/Frame Story)
5. Brainstorm ideas for short story
6. Write, write, write
7. Writing and conference time

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday, April 16 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, April 16
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story

Plan your short story

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Write into the room- (7 min)-
First, Double Check your Analysis paragraph. Do you have:
A topic sentence?
A detail from the text?

Second, Craft analysis- What does your example show or mean?
Next, tell us why this matters in terms of the success or failure
of the text.
Lastly, summarize your findings by rewording your topic sentence
(an easy conclusion).

TS: The imagery was vivid in Bradbury's "All Summer in a Day". 
CD: He structured his characterization around vivid sentences, especially those like the ones about Margot: "She was an old photograph dusted from an album, whitened away...."
CM: It is in these moments Bradbury shines, presenting supporting details in a vivid format, in this case comparing Margot to old photograph. The comparison is clear: Margot is a mere shell of herself, and the imagery helps create this effect for the reader.
4. Read “Betty Ann” Short Story (Book Ends/Frame Story)
5. Brainstorm ideas for short story
a. Freytag’s Pyramid (exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution)
b. Cinema 3 act structure: Exposition, Confrontation, Resolution
6. Write, write, write
7. Writing and conference time

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Friday, April 13 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday, April 13
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story

Finish CM (commentary) in your evaluation paragraph of All Summer In A Day.
1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Write into the room- (7 min)-
First, answer this: Two characters meet in a bar. Write about their meeting without using any dialogue. 

Then, it's Musical Chairs time--Now write the same scene using dialogue only.

3. Write sample analysis paragraph
4. Read “Betty Ann” Short Story (Book Ends/Frame Story)
5. Brainstorm ideas for short story
6. Write, write, write
7. Writing and conference time

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday, Ap. 11 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, April 11
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story

Brainstorm ideas for short story

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Taking sticky notes, jot down titles and details about various ideas of what makes stories great.
3. Brainstorm ideas for your own short story
4. Write into the room- (7 min)- Your friend asks to borrow a couple of your CDs. While rummaging through your collection, the two of you stumble upon what you consider to be the most embarrassing album that you own. You definitely don’t want your friend to know that you actually like that record, so make up an excuse as to how it got in your collection. The more elaborate the reasoning, the better.

5. Finish reading short story “All Summer in a Day”
6. Gallery Walk ideas about great stories via story categories
7. Speed dating with our short story ideas
8. Writing and conference time

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Monday, April 9 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, April 9
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story

Brainstorm my short story

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Begin Short Story Unit
3. Write into the room- (7 min)- What's the most peculiar gift you've ever received? Describe the scene when you opened it and your reaction.

4. Short Story unit overview
a.      Assess 1-2 short stories for structures, good writing (imagery and dialogue) (graded on RI.5)
b.     Plan short story (graded on W.3 Organization
c.     Write Rough draft (graded) W.3 Purpose/Focus
d.     Revise and edit for Final draft (graded on 5 traits)

5. Read Short Story “All Summer in a Day”

Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday, Ap. 6 2018

Creative Writing:  Friday, April 6
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a short story

Think about ideas for your short story

Agenda: Assembly schedule 9:35-10:55
1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Assemble “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
3. Gallery Walk
4. Begin Short Story Unit
5. Write into the room- (7 min)- It's your main character's wedding day, when something goes terribly wrong. Write a short-short story about what happens (100 words max).
     Land on a character
     Decide on problem (where, when, how- and yes, keep it PG)
     Write, write, write

6. Short Story unit overview
     a. Assess 1-2 short stories for structures, good writing    (imagery and dialogue) (graded on RI.5)
     b. Plan short story (graded on W.3 Organization
     c. Write Rough draft (graded) W.3 Purpose/Focus
     d. Revise and edit for Final draft (graded on 5 traits)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Wednesday, Ap. 4 2018

Creative Writing:  Wednesday, April 4
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

1. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
2. Final Children’s book due Fri, Ap. 6 beginning of class. REMEMBER: YOU WILL HAVE NO TIME IN CLASS FRIDAY TO WORK ON YOUR PROJECT. IT NEEDS TO BE DONE.
1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Write into the room- (7 min) In honor of the success of Black Panther and the anticipated release of Avengers: Infinity War, create a villain with super powers. What's his/her backstory? Why did he/she choose evil over good? Note: your powers can be ordinary and earthly too.

3. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-
Reminder about what you need:
a. Plot Pitch Template
b. 24 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your “story” or concept hangs together
c. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
d. Back Cover- Author biography

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Monday, April 2 2018

Creative Writing:  Monday, Ap. 2
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...
W.3 Construct a narrative in the form of a children’s book,
graphic novel, or comic strip

Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-  
Final Children’s book due Fri, Ap. 6 beginning of class

1. Calendar/Agenda (2 min)
2. Work on your own larger “Final Graphic/Children’s/ Comic”-

3. Ticket out of class: Progress evidence on Final project:
a. Evidence of new cells/Cover work
b. Evidence of progress on “Plot Pitch Template”: text, illustrations, characterization

c. Reminder about what you need for final turn in:
1. Plot Pitch Template
2.  24 cell minimum (you do not have to do more, provided your
“story” or concept hangs together
3. Cover, Inside Cover (dedication and “publishing info)
4. Back Cover- Author biography