Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Wednesday, Jan. 31 2018

Creative Writing: Wednesday, Jan. 31 2018
Objectives/Essential Questions: Can You...

RI.5/RL.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the strugru3e an author uses in his /her narration, exposition, or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing, and engaging or creates mystery, tension, or surprise.

1. Get your supplies for this class ASAP (pens, paper, notebook)
2. Get Syllabus signed for Monday, Feb. 5


1. Reminder about Syllabus/Supplies
2. Finish Mandala
3. Get to know one another- People Hunt
4. Complete Writing Survey

If we have time:

5. Write a story about your life (up to one page); then write a 6-word memoir for 
6. Intro assignment- Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life

Encyclopedia of Ordinary Life: List alphabetically some entries that chronicle your life (minimum of 10). An Example:
A- My first speeding ticket came in an old Audi A4-- 55 mph in a 40 mph zone. There went half of my summer pocket money.
7. Unit project explanation- Children’s Book/Graphic Novel/Comic

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