Monday, December 4, 2017

Wednesday, Dec. 6 2017

CW Wednesday, Dec. 6
Objectives/Essential Question: Can You…
W.1/W.2- Construct an informative or argumentative piece using imagery, engaging details and language, and dialogue.
RI.5- Identify and evaluate structures author uses to make points concise, clear or engaging

RI.5 Evaluate structures used in examples for one of these essays- due Friday, Dec. 8.
Calendar pg. 29 or 30
1. Writing into class: Explain your stance on a non-fiction topic you are interested in writing about. Write down and prepare an “Elevator Talk” for your stance. Share with at least 3 people you do not sit with. NOTE: you will be responsible for taking some quick notes (see graphic organizer) on your 3 conversations, AND sharing out when called on.

2.  Work on developing details for part of your outline. (20 min.) Your ticket out of class

3. Multiple Genres- Handout rubric for Author moves on essay analysis and read(10 min.)Read “Nerd Husbandry” and “Irreconcilable dissonance...”

4. Gallery Walk Infographics (10 min)

5.  Continue to work on developing details for part of your outline. (20 min.) Your ticket out of class

6. Finck Conferencing but available for help

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