Sunday, December 10, 2017

Monday, Dec. 11 2017

CW Monday, Dec. 11
Objectives/Essential Question: Can You…
W.1/W.2- Construct an informative or argumentative piece using
imagery, engaging details and language, and dialogue.
RI.5- Identify and evaluate structures author uses to make points
concise, clear or engaging

1. RI.5 Evaluate structures used in examples for one essay-
due Wednesday, Dec. 13
2. RESEARCH and WRITE your non-fiction paper
Calendar pg. 31
1. Turn in Revisions
2. Writing into class:  List 3 areas/passages that are “Interesting”
in “Nerd Husbandry” and why each catch your attention.

3. Write short paragraph where you: RI.5 Evaluate structures
used in examples for one of these essays- due Wednesday, Dec. 13.

4. Finck Conferencing but available for help

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